International Quidditch Association
Yomenië Quamacelmo Ambaresse
RzEt#aVjtH `Cw#7R,
For tengwar caracters I use the Tengwar Formal font. If you are not able to see tengwar writings but only a strange sequence of nonsense like this [hÍNtF5%` RzEt#aVjtH `Cw#7R,], please download and install it. Thank you :)
The proof that high elves know quidditch came from a simple evidence: if you try to translate the word "queerditch", the old name of quidditch, into Quenya (high elves tongue), the word that you obtain have the same sound.
Quidditch (from Queerditch) = quamacelma
The proof that high elves know quidditch came from a simple evidence: if you try to translate the word "queerditch", the old name of quidditch, into Quenya (high elves tongue), the word that you obtain have the same sound.
Quidditch (from Queerditch) = quamacelma
from quama- “queer, vomit, (feeling) sick”; celma “channel, ditch, dyke or trench”
The high elves were the first on earth to give names to places and tings. I like to imagin the word Quidditch caming from Queerditch, the geographical name of the puddle where this sport were played for the first time.
International Quidditch Association = Yomenië Quamacelmo Ambaresse
International Quidditch Association = Yomenië Quamacelmo Ambaresse
from yomenië “association, organized group, meeting directed and organized by a group”; ambaresse “of the world”
hÍNtF5%` RzEt#aVjtH `Cw#7R,
Broomstick = olwatussa
hÍNtF5%` RzEt#aVjtH `Cw#7R,
Broomstick = olwatussa
from olwa “branch”; tussa “bush, broom grass”
Brooms up! = á orta olwar!
~C `N61 `NjnE6Á
Pitch = tyalapeler,
from tyal- “game” peler “fenced field”
Seeker = Cestaro (pl. Cestari)
from cesta- “To Seek/Search”
Keeper = Cormatirno “guardian of the ring, ring watcher”
corma “ring”, tirno “watcher, guardian”
Chaser = Ronyo
Beater = Palparo “beater”
Captain = hesto
Ring = corma, pl. cormar
Quaffle = coron “ball”
Bludger = palon
pal- “beat, shake”
Golden snitch = malinettirno “golden spy”
from malda,
malina “yellow, of golden colour”; ettirno “spy” from Sindarin ethir “to spy”
Disappeared during the last match of quidditch.
Vanya írë telwan tyalielume quamacelmo.
-yE5Ì# `B7V 1VjnE5 1EÍj%`VjUt$ zEt#aVjtH-
Please contact the IQA if you have information or questions.
Nai máriello tecuval IQA qui haryalye centa hela cesta.
-5lE t~C7T`Vj°H 1VaJyDj zÍE zG 9C7EÎj#´
aF51E 9Vj# aF81E-
Nothing is what it seems if we let fly our imagination!
nà ya vea qui leryalme simalma!
Á5&4# 5~C hÍE yF`C zG j$7EÎjt$
Missing bludger
Loita palon
jlH1E qDjH5
Missing broomstick
Loita olwatussa
jlH1E `NjnD1J,E
Missing golden snitch
Loita malinettirno
jlH1E t#j%5$1;T65H
Missing quaffleLoita coron
jlH1E aH7H5
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