• From Quidditch to Quenya

    International Quidditch Association
    Yomenië Quamacelmo Ambaresse
    hÍNtF5%` RzEt#aVjtH `Cw#7R,

    For tengwar caracters I use the Tengwar Formal font. If you are not able to see tengwar writings but only a strange sequence of nonsense like this [hÍNtF5%` RzEt#aVjtH `Cw#7R,], please download and install it. Thank you :) 

    The proof that high elves know quidditch came from a simple evidence: if you try to translate the word "queerditch", the old name of quidditch, into Quenya (high elves tongue), the word that you obtain have the same sound.
    Quidditch (from Queerditch) = quamacelma 
                    from quama- “queer, vomit, (feeling) sick”; celma “channel, ditch, dyke or trench”

    The high elves were the first on earth to give names to places and tings. I like to imagin the word Quidditch caming from Queerditch, the geographical name of the puddle where this sport were played for the first time. 

    International Quidditch AssociationYomenië Quamacelmo Ambaresse
                    from yomenië “association, organized group, meeting directed and organized by a group”; ambaresse “of the world” 
    hÍNtF5%` RzEt#aVjtH `Cw#7R,

    Broomstick olwatussa 
                    from olwa “branch”; tussa “bush, broom grass” 

    Brooms up! = á orta olwar!

    ~C `N61 `NjnE6Á

    Pitch = tyalapeler
                from tyal- “game” peler “fenced field”

    Seeker = Cestaro (pl. Cestari)
                from cesta- “To Seek/Search”

    Keeper = Cormatirno “guardian of the ring, ring watcher”
                from corma “ring”, tirno “watcher, guardian”

    Chaser = Ronyo

    Beater = Palparo “beater”

    Captain = hesto

    Ring = corma, pl. cormar
    Quaffle = coron “ball”

    Bludger = palon
                from pal- “beat, shake”

    Golden snitch = malinettirno “golden spy”
                    from malda, malina “yellow, of golden colour”; ettirno “spy” from Sindarin ethir “to spy”

    Disappeared during the last match of quidditch.
    Vanya írë telwan tyalielume quamacelmo.
    -yE5Ì# `B7V 1VjnE5 1EÍj%`VjUt$ zEt#aVjtH-

    Please  contact  the  IQA if you have information or questions.
    Nai máriello tecuval IQA qui haryalye centa hela cesta.
    -5lE t~C7T`Vj°H 1VaJyDj zÍE zG 9C7EÎj#´ aF51E 9Vj# aF81E-

    Nothing is what it seems if we let fly our imagination!
    Munta nà ya vea qui leryalme simalma!
    Á5&4# 5~C hÍE yF`C zG j$7EÎjt$ 3Gt#jt#Á

    Missing bludger
    Loita palon
    jlH1E qDjH5
    Missing broomstick
    Loita olwatussa
    jlH1E `NjnD1J,E
    Missing golden snitch
    Loita malinettirno
    jlH1E t#j%5$1;T65H
    Missing quaffle
    Loita coron
    jlH1E aH7H5
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